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Northern Irish Legislation

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Annual holidays.

94.(1) Subject to the exceptions allowed under this Part, the occupier of a
factory shall allow the whole of each of the following days as a holiday in
each year to every woman and young person employed in the factory.

(2) The said days are six weekdays fixed by the occupier and notified in each
case by means of a notice posted in the factory throughout not less than three
weeks before the day.

(3) At least half of the days to be allowed in any year as holidays under this
section shall be allowed between the fifteenth day of March and the first day
of October.

(4) Subject to the exceptions allowed under this Part, a woman or young person
shall not be employed in a factory on a holiday fixed by or in pursuance of
this section for that factory, and a woman or young person employed in any
factory shall not be employed on such a holiday about the business of the
factory or in any other business carried on by the occupier.

Women holding positions of management.

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