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Northern Irish Legislation

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Restriction of employment inside and outside factory on same day.

91.(1) Subject to subsection (2), a woman or young person shall not during any
interval allowed to that woman or young person for a meal or rest, or during
any time not included in the period of employment fixed by a notice under this
Part, be employed outside the factory, in the business of the factory or in
any other business carried on by the occupier, on any day during which the
woman or young person is employed in the factory.

(2) A woman or young person who has attained the age of sixteen may be so
employed in a shop outside the period of employment, but any such employment
shall be treated for the purposes of this Part (including the provisions
relating to overtime employment) as employment in the factory.

(3) For the purposes of this section a woman or young person to or for whom
any work is given out or who takes out any work to be done by her or him
outside the factory shall be deemed to be employed outside the factory on the
day on which the work is given or taken out.

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