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Northern Irish Legislation

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86. Subject to the provisions of this Part, the hours worked, the
period of employment, and the intervals for meals and rest, for every woman or
young person employed in a factory shall conform to the following conditions,

(a)the total hours worked, exclusive of intervals allowed for meals and rest,
shall neither exceed nine in any day nor exceed forty-eight in any week;

(b)the period of employment shall not exceed eleven hours in any day and shall
neither begin earlier than seven o'clock in the morning nor end later than six
o'clock in the evening in the case of young persons who have not attained the
age of sixteen, or in other cases eight o'clock in the evening, or, on
Saturday, one o'clock in the afternoon;

(c)a woman or young person shall not be employed continuously for a spell of
more than four and a half hours without an interval of at least half an hour
for a meal or rest, so, however, that where an interval of not less than ten
minutes is allowed in the course of a spell, the spell may be increased to
five hours;

(d)the period of employment and intervals allowed for meals and rest in
accordance with the foregoing provisions of this section shall be the same for
all women and young persons employed in the factory, except that the
period of employment may end at an earlier hour for young persons who have not
attained the age of sixteen;

(e)no woman or young person shall be employed during any such interval allowed
for meals or rest.

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