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Notification of industrial diseases.

80.(1) Every medical practitioner attending or called in to visit a patient
whom he believes to be suffering from lead, phosphorus, arsenical or mercurial
poisoning, or anthrax, contracted in any factory, shall (unless such a notice
has been previously sent) forthwith send [to an inspector appointed by the
Department of Manpower Services under Article 21 of the Health and Safety at
Work (Northern Ireland) Order 1978, who is authorised to act for this purpose]
a notice stating the name and full postal address of the patient and the
disease from which, in the opinion of the medical practitioner, the patient is
suffering, and the name and address of the factory in which he is or was last
employed, and shall be entitled in respect of every notice sent in pursuance
of this section to a fee of [13p], to be paid as part of the expenses incurred
by the Ministry in the execution of this Act.

(2) If, in contravention of the provisions of this section, any medical
practitioner fails to send any notice in accordance with the requirements
thereof, he shall be liable [on summary conviction] to a fine not exceeding
four pounds.

(3) Written notice of every case of lead, phosphorus, or arsenical or mecurial
poisoning or anthrax occurring in a factory shall forthwith be sent by
the occupier in the prescribed form and accompanied by the prescribed
particulars to the chief inspector and to [the employment medical adviser in
charge of the area in which the factory is situate]; and the provisions of
this Act with respect to the notification of accidents shall apply to any such
case in like manner as to any such accident as is mentioned in those

Subs.(4) rep. by SR 1979/246

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