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Power to take samples.

77.(1) An inspector may at any time after informing the occupier or, if
the occupier is not readily available, a foreman or other responsible person
in the factory, take for analysis sufficient samples of any material in use or
mixed for use in the manufacture of matches or of any substance used or
intended to be used in a factory which is a substance in respect of which he
suspects a contravention of any regulation made under this Part, or which in
his opinion is likely or may prove on analysis to be likely to cause
bodily injury to the persons employed.

(2) The occupier or the foreman or other responsible person may, at the time
when a sample is taken under this section, and on providing the necessary
appliances require the inspector to divide the sample into three parts, to
mark and seal or fasten up each part in such manner as its nature permits, and

(a)to deliver one part to the occupier, or the foreman or other responsible

(b)to retain one part for future comparison;

(c)to submit one part to the analyst;

(3) A certificate purporting to be a certificate by the government chemist as
to the result of an analysis of a sample under this section shall in any
proceedings under this Act be admissible as evidence of the matters stated
therein, but either party may require the person by whom the analysis was made
to be called as a witness.

(4) It shall not be lawful for any person, except in so far as is necessary
for the purposes of a prosecution for an offence under this Act, to publish or
disclose to any person the results of an analysis made under this section, and
if any person acts in contravention of this subsection, he shall be guilty of
an offence ....

Notification of accidents.

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