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Meals in certain dangerous trades.

63.(1) Where in any room lead, arsenic or any other poisonous substance is so
used as to give rise to any dust or fume, a person shall not be permitted to
partake of food or drink in that room or to remain in that room during the
intervals allowed to him for meals or rest other than intervals allowed in the
course of a spell of continuous employment.

(2) Where in any room a process prescribed by regulations made by the Ministry
is carried on, being a process which gives rise to siliceous dust or asbestos
dust, a person shall not be permitted to remain in that room during the
intervals allowed to him for meals or rest other than intervals allowed in the
course of a spell of continuous employment.

(3) Suitable provision shall be made for enabling the persons employed in any
such room as is mentioned in subsections (1) and (2) to take their meals
elsewhere in the factory.

Subs.(4) rep. by SR 1979/246

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