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Hoists and lifts used for carrying persons.

24.(1) The following additional requirements shall apply to hoists and lifts
used for carrying persons, whether together with goods or otherwise:

(a)efficient automatic devices shall be provided and maintained to prevent the
cage or platform overrunning;

(b)every cage shall on each side from which access is afforded to a landing be
fitted with a gate, and in connection with every such gate efficient devices
shall be provided to secure that, when persons or goods are in the cage, the
cage cannot be raised or lowered unless the gate is closed, and will come to
rest when the gate is opened.

(2) In the case of a hoist or lift constructed or reconstructed before the
24th November 1938 in connection with which it is not reasonably practicable
to provide such devices as are mentioned in subsection (1)(b), it shall be
sufficient if

(a)such arrangements are provided as will secure the objects of subsection
(1)(b) so far as is reasonably practicable; and

(b)the gate is kept closed and fastened except when the cage is at rest or

(3) In the case of a hoist or lift used as mentioned in subsection (1) which
was constructed or reconstructed after the 24th November 1938, where the
platform or cage is suspended by rope or chain, there shall be at least two
ropes or chains separately connected with the platform or cage, each rope or
chain and its attachments being capable of carrying the whole weight of the
platform or cage and its maximum working load, and efficient devices shall be
provided and maintained which will support the platform or cage with its
maximum working load in the event of a breakage of the ropes or chains or any
of their attachments.

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