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Dangerous substances.

19.(1) Every fixed vessel, structure, sump or pit of which the edge is less
than three feet above the highest ground or platform from which a person might
fall into it shall, if it contains any scalding, corrosive or poisonous
liquid, either be securely covered or be securely fenced to at least three
feet above that ground or platform, or where by reason of the nature of the
work neither secure covering nor secure fencing to that height is practicable,
all practicable steps shall be taken by covering, fencing or other means to
prevent any person from falling into the vessel, structure, sump or pit.

(2) Where any fixed vessel, structure, sump or pit contains any scalding,
corrosive or poisonous liquid but it is not securely covered, a ladder, stair
or gangway shall not be placed above, across or inside it which is not

(a)at least eighteen inches wide; and

(b)securely fenced on both sides to a height of at least three feet and
securely fixed.

(3) Where any such vessels, structures, sumps or pits as are mentioned in
subsection (2) adjoin, and the space between them, clear of any surrounding
brick or other work, is less than eighteen inches in width or is not securely
fenced on both sides to a height of at least three feet, secure barriers shall
be so placed as to prevent passage between them.

(4) For the purposes of this section a ladder, stair or gangway shall not be
deemed to be securely fenced unless it is provided either with sheet fencing
or with an upper and a lower rail and toe boards.

Subs.(5)(6) rep. by SR 1979/246

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