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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FACTORIES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1965

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Application to Crown.

173.(1) This Act applies to factories belonging to or in the occupation of the
Crown, to building operations and works of engineering construction undertaken
by or on behalf of the Crown, and to the employment by or under the Crown of
persons in painting buildings; but in case of any public emergency
the Ministry may, by order, to the extent and during the period named in the
order exempt from this Act any factory belonging to the Crown or any
building operations or works of engineering construction undertaken by or on
behalf of the Crown, or any factory in respect of work which is being done on
behalf of the Crown.

(2) [The duties under this Act of] ... a district council ... or the [fire
authority] shall, in the case of a factory belonging to or in the occupation
of the Crown, or building operations or works of engineering construction
undertaken by or on behalf of the Crown, be exercised by an inspector under
this Act; and any notice required by this Act to be sent to ... a district
council ... or the [fire authority] shall in any such case be sent to the
chief inspector.

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