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General registers.

140.(1) There shall be kept in every factory or in such place outside the
factory as may be approved by the chief inspector, a register in the
prescribed form, called the general register, and there shall be entered in or
attached to that register

(a)the prescribed particulars as to the young persons employed in the factory;

(b)the prescribed particulars as to the washing, whitewashing or colour
washing, painting or varnishing, of the factory; and

(c)the prescribed particulars as to every accident and case of industrial
disease occurring in the factory of which notice is required to be sent to the
chief inspector; and

(d)particulars showing every exception under sections 99 to 111 of which
the occupier of the factory avails himself; and

(e)all reports and particulars required by any other provision of this Act to
be entered in or attached to the general register; and

(f)such other matters as may be prescribed.

(2) There shall be attached to the general register the certificate of
the fire authority relating to means of escape in case of fire.

(3) The occupier of a factory shall send to an inspector such extracts from
the general register as the inspector may from time to time require for the
purpose of the execution of his duties under this Act.

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