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Northern Irish Legislation

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Power to require medical supervision.

12.(1) Where it appears to the Ministry

(a)that in any factory or class or description of factory

(i)cases of illness have occurred which it has reason to believe may be due to
the nature of a process or other conditions of work; or

(ii)by reason of changes in any process or in the substances used in any
process, or by reason of the introduction of any new process or new substance
for use in a process, there may be risk of injury to the health of persons
employed in that process; or

<(iii)young persons are or are about to be employed in work which may cause risk of injury to their health; or

(b)that there may be risk of injury to the health of persons employed in a

(i)from any substance or material brought to the factory to be used or handled
therein; or

(ii)from any change in the conditions of work or other conditions in the

(2) Where the Ministry proposes to exercise its powers under this section in
relation to a particular factory and for a limited period, it may exercise
those powers by order instead of by special regulations, and any such order
shall, subject to subsection (3), cease to have effect at the expiration of
such period not exceeding six months from the date when it comes into
operation as may be specified in the order.

(3) The Ministry may by subsequent order or orders extend the said period, but
if the occupier of the factory by notice in writing to the Ministry objects to
any such extension, the original order shall cease to have effect as from one
month after the service of the notice, without prejudice to the making of
special regulations in relation to the factory.]

Prime movers.

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