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Northern Irish Legislation

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Exception as to Saturday.

106.(1) Where it is proved to the satisfaction of the Ministry that the
customs or exigencies of the trade carried on in any class or description of
factory require some other day in the week to be substituted for Saturday as
the short day, it may, by regulations, grant to factories of that
class or description an exception authorising the occupier of every such
factory to substitute some other day for Saturday, and in that case this Part
shall apply in the factory as if the substituted day were Saturday, and
Saturday were an ordinary work day.

(2) Regulations made under this section as respects newspaper printing
offices, or as respects factories in which the work by reason of its nature
requires to be carried on on six full working days in the week, may authorise
the substitution of some other day for Saturday in respect of some of the
women and young persons employed therein.

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