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Northern Irish Legislation

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Exception for factories operating the five-day week.

100.(1) In any factory conducted on the system of employing women and
young persons on not more than five days a week, the total hours worked in any
day may extend to ten and the period of employment in any day may extend to
twelve hours and, in the case of women and of young persons who have attained
the age of sixteen, the total hours worked in any day may be further extended
by overtime employment to ten and a half.

(2) An occupier may, notwithstanding that he avails himself of this exception,
employ women and young persons who have attained the age of sixteen on a sixth
day in any week subject to the conditions that

(a)the total hours worked on that day do not exceed four and a half; and

(b)no woman or young person is employed overtime on any other day in that

Exception as to simultaneous hours for meals and rest.

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