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Offences in relation to warranties and certificates of analysis.

53.(1) A defendant who in any prosecution under this Act [or any regulations
made thereunder] wilfully applies to any article or substance a warranty or
certificate of analysis given in relation to any other article or substance
shall be guilty of an offence under this Act.

(2) A person who, in respect of any article or substance sold by him, being an
article or substance in respect of which a warranty might be pleaded under
section fifty-two, gives to the purchaser a false warranty in writing, shall
be guilty of an offence under this Act, unless he proves that when he gave the
warranty he had reason to believe that the statements or descriptions
contained thereon were accurate.

(3) Where the defendant in a prosecution under this Act [or any regulations
made thereunder] relies successfully on a warranty given to him or to his
employer, any prosecution under sub-section (2) in respect of the warranty may
be brought either before a court having jurisdiction in the place where a
sample of the article or substance to which the warranty relates was procured,
or before a court having jurisdiction in the place where the warranty was

Disputes as to compensation under Part I.

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