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Northern Irish Legislation

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Power of court to require analysis by Government Chemist.

50.(1) The court before which any prosecution is brought under this Act [or
any regulations made thereunder] may, if it thinks fit, and upon the request
of either party shall, cause the part of any sample produced before the court
under sub-section (8) of section forty-six to be sent to the Government
Chemist, who shall make an analysis and transmit to the court a certificate of
the result thereof, and the costs of the analysis shall be paid by the
complainant or the defendant as the court may order.

(2) If, in a case where an appeal is brought, action has not been taken under
sub-section (1), the provisions of that sub-section shall apply also in
relation to the court by which the appeal is heard.

(3) Any certificate of the results of an analysis transmitted by the
Government Chemist under this section shall be signed by or on behalf of the
Government Chemist, but the analysis may be made by any person acting under
the direction of the person by whom the certificate is signed.

(4) Any certificate of the results of an analysis transmitted by the
Government Chemist under this section shall be evidence of the facts stated
therein unless any party to the prosecution requires that the person by whom
it is signed shall be called as a witness.

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