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8. Any of the officers or persons herein-after mentioned who shall commit any
of the offences or neglects herein-after mentioned, and who shall be convicted
thereof before any two justices of the county sitting in petty sessions, ...
shall be liable to forfeit for every such offence or neglect any sum not
exceeding twenty pounds; (that is to say,)

<1.Any such officer or person who shall at any time make default in making true and correct entries of all such penal sums as aforesaid, or in rendering due accounts of all such sums passing through his hands, or in paying over the same, at such times and in such manner as shall be required under the provisions of this Act:

<2.Any member of the constabulary ... by whom any warrant shall be executed, who shall neglect to pay over the amount received or levied thereunder, or to account for such levies, at such times and in such forms and with such vouchers as shall be required under the provisions of this Act:

<3.Any keeper of any [prison] who shall neglect or refuse to pay over any sum so as aforesaid received by him to the officer of the court from which the warrant shall have been issued, or to transmit any such receipts or warrants, or to account for the same, at such time and in such manner as shall be required under the provisions of this Act:<4.Any such officer or person as aforesaid, or any other person, having any duty to perform under the provisions of this Act, who shall wilfully neglect or refuse to perform the same:

S.9 rep. by SLR (NI) 1954; 1964 c.21 (NI) s.172 sch.7; 1978 c.23 s.122(2)

On officers, &c., neglecting duty.

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