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Northern Irish Legislation

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False statements etc.

4.(1) Any person who

(a)for or in connection with obtaining a consent under section 1(1)(a)
knowingly or recklessly makes, or participates in, or assents to or acquiesces
in, the making of any false or misleading statement; or

(b)knowingly or recklessly makes, or participates in, or assents to or
acquiesces in, the making of any false or misleading statement in any record
required to be kept under section 1(1)(b) or in any register required to be
kept under section 2(3); or

(c)knowingly or recklessly omits, or participates in or assents to or
acquiesces in the omission of, the entry of any material particular in any
such record or register; or

(d)forges, counterfeits, falsifies or fraudulently uses or knowingly or
wilfully alters, destroys, erases or obliterates the whole or any part of any
consent, record, register or other document issued or required under this Act
or under Explosives Regulations or wilfully causes or knowingly permits any
such act to be done by any other person; or

(e)wilfully refuses to furnish any information within his knowledge to, or
knowingly furnishes false or misleading information to, a member of the Royal
Ulster Constabulary or a Government Inspector with respect to any such
consent, record, register or other document;

(2) Section 41 of the Magistrates' Courts Act (Northern Ireland) 1964 shall
not apply to an offence under this section.

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