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23. This Act may be cited as the Exported Animals (Compensation) Act (Northern
Ireland), 1952.

1. Subject to the provisions of Article 2 of this Schedule, every member of
the Trustees shall, unless he sooner dies, resigns, or becomes disqualified,
hold his office as such member for the term of ten years to be reckoned

Sub-para.(a) rep. by SLR 1976

(b). . . . from the expiration of the term of office of his predecessor.

2. A member of the Trustees appointed to fill a casual vacancy in the
membership of the Trustees shall, unless he sooner dies, resigns or becomes
disqualified, hold office for the residue of the term for which the member,
whose death, resignation or disqualification occasioned the vacancy, would
have held office if he had not died, resigned, or become disqualified.

3. A member of the Trustees may at any time resign his office as such member
by letter addressed to the secretary of the Trustees, and every such
resignation shall take effect at the commencement of the meeting of the
Trustees commencing next after the receipt of such resignation by the

4. A member of the Trustees shall become disqualified for office as such
member upon the happening of any of the following events, that is to say:

(a)the absence of such member from four consecutive ordinary meetings of the

(b)the ceasing of such member to have the qualifications required by this Act
for membership of the Trustees.

5. Every member of the Trustees shall, on the cessation of his membership by
lapse of time, be eligible for re-appointment.

6. Ordinary meetings of the Trustees shall be held at such times (not being
less frequently than once in every period of three consecutive months) as the
Trustees may appoint either generally or in respect of any particular ordinary
meeting. Ordinary meetings of the Trustees shall be summoned by their
secretary in the prescribed manner.

7. A special meeting of the Trustees may be held for any purpose, and at any
time, for and at which the Chairman of the Trustees considers a special
meeting necessary or desirable, and every such meeting shall be summoned by
the secretary to the Trustees in the prescribed manner.

8. The procedure of the Trustees at their meetings and otherwise shall be such
as may be prescribed.

9. At any meeting of the Trustees three members shall constitute a quorum.

10. At every meeting of the Trustees, the Chairman of the Trustees, if
present, shall be the chairman of the meeting; and, if he is absent, such
member of the Trustees as the members then present may choose shall be the
chairman of the meeting.

11. The chairman of a meeting of the Trustees shall have a second or casting

12. The Trustees may act notwithstanding a vacancy in their membership.

13. If, at any time, the Chairman of the Trustees is temporarily incapable,
through illness or absence from Northern Ireland, of performing his duties as
such Chairman, the Trustees may nominate any member of the Trustees to be
Deputy Chairman during such incapacity of the Chairman, and may at any time
remove such Deputy Chairman; and every such Deputy Chairman shall, while he
continues to be Deputy Chairman, have all the powers and duties of the
Chairman of the Trustees; and references in this Schedule to the Chairman of
the Trustees shall be construed accordingly.

Second Schedule rep. by SLR 1973

Section 2.

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