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Northern Irish Legislation

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Matters to be regarded in administering this Act.

7. In determining whether to acquire any land under this Act, or to give or to
recommend or approve the giving of any financial assistance under this Act,
and in considering the extent of such assistance, the Ministry in consultation
with any other Government department concerned shall have regard to
circumstances which make it desirable that

(a)works to be undertaken for the provision or improvement of any service
should be specially assisted for the purpose of providing employment in the
area in question and, in particular, employment for persons who have served
full-time in the armed forces of the Crown in time of war emergency;

(b)land which is derelict (particularly land within or near urban areas) shall
be brought into use;

(c)works should be undertaken for the development of the area in question or
for the improvement of the amenities of the neighbourhood;

(d)the revenue or profit, if any, likely to be derived by a
local or public authority as a result of a scheme assisted by grants under
this Act;

(e)the financial resources of the local or public authority so assisted under
this Act;

(f)the extent, if any, to which assistance is available for the scheme under
any other enactment; and

(g)any other special circumstances which in the opinion of the Ministry make
it desirable to carry out the scheme, and to give or to withhold from giving
any assistance under this Act;


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