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Northern Irish Legislation

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Act not to apply until a meeting of shareholders, or until owners have determined to adopt it, and notices have been duly published.

12. Provided always, that this Act shall not apply to any canal or navigation
the property wherein is vested in shareholders, nor shall the powers of
leasing herein-before contained be exercised by any such canal or navigation
company, until a meeting of the shareholders thereof shall have been duly
convened, in such manner as meetings are by their respective Acts of
incorporation or settlement required to be called or are usually called, and
it shall have been determined by a majority of two thirds of the votes of the
shareholders in such meeting assembled, either in person or by proxy, where by
such Acts of incorporation or settlement voting by proxy is allowed, to adopt
the powers and provisions hereby granted, or such and so many of them as it
shall at such meeting be determined shall be adopted, or to grant or accept
any such lease, nor to any canal or navigation the property wherein is vested
in one or more owner or owners, proprietor or proprietors, unless the owner or
owners, proprietor or proprietors thereof shall determine to adopt the powers
and provisions hereby granted, nor in either case until public notice of any
such determination and intention shall have been inserted ... in the [Belfast
Gazette] in respect of canals or navigations in Ireland, and in some newspaper
circulating in the county or counties wherein such canal or navigation, or
some part thereof, shall pass, one month at the least previously to the
exercise of any such powers, whereupon, or immediately after the expiration of
such notice, every such company, or their respective committees, directors, or
managers, or their agents by them duly authorized in manner aforesaid, may
from time to time put in force and exercise the said powers or any of them, in
the manner by this Act authorized.

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