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Northern Irish Legislation

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Limitation as to exemptions to be granted to companies by letters patent.

30. Provided always, that nothing in this Act contained shall authorize or be
construed to authorize Her Majesty, by any such letters patent, to exempt any
company or body of persons associated as aforesaid from the necessity of
entering into a deed of partnership, from making the return of the patent to
the enrolment office of the Court of Chancery, from the necessity of carrying
into execution the provisions of this Act in respect to change of name or
style of the company or body associated, in respect to the cessation or to the
addition or to the change of name of any of the individuals of the company, or
to the transfer of shares and to the notices to be given thereof, or to the
payment of any sum by any shareholder on account of any preferment against
such company or body, or to the returns to be made to the enrolment office of
such payment, or of the repayment thereof, or from making a return to the said
office of the name of the officer appointed by said company to sue and be sued
on its behalf, in case of the death, resignation, or removal of the one
registered, or to exempt any company or body so associated from the provisions
of this Act in relation to the period at which its several members shall
become entitled or shall cease to share in the profits thereof, the whole as
required by the provisions of this Act.

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