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Northern Irish Legislation

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By whom returns are to be registered.

17. All such returns as are herein-before directed to be made ... to the
enrolment office of the Court of Chancery in Ireland shall be registered by
the clerks of enrolments in Chancery in Ireland, or their deputy, in books to
be by them ... kept for that purpose; and an alphabetical index shall be kept
of the names of such companies or bodies, with references to such returns; and
there shall be paid for the registering of each return a fee of [2p] per
folio, and no more; and any person shall be at liberty to inspect such books
and index, and there shall be paid for such inspection a fee of [5p], and no
more; and any person shall be at liberty to require a copy of any such return,
to be certified by the said clerks or their deputy, and there shall be paid
for such certificate a fee of [7p] for each folio of such copy, and no more;
and the day of the registration of every return to be made in pursuance of
this Act shall be written on such return by the said clerks or their deputy.

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