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Interpretation (Part X).

366.(1) Where

(a)it is proposed to offer to the public by a prospectus issued generally any
shares in or debentures of a company incorporated or to be incorporated
outside the United Kingdom, whether the company has or has not established, or
when formed will or will not establish, a place of business in Great Britain
or Northern Ireland; and

(b)application is made to a prescribed stock exchange for permission for those
shares or debentures to be [listed] on that stock exchange;

(2) If a certificate of exemption is given, and if the proposals aforesaid are
adhered to and the particulars and information required to be published in
connection with the application for permission to the stock exchange are so
published, then

(a)a prospectus giving the particulars and information aforesaid in the form
in which they are so required to be published shall be deemed to comply with
the requirements of the Third Schedule; and

(b)except in so far as it requires a prospectus to be dated, section three
hundred and sixty-five shall not apply to any issue, after the permission
applied for is given, of a prospectus or form of application relating to the
shares or debentures.

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