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Northern Irish Legislation

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Special commission for receiving evidence.

313.(1) The court may direct the examination in Scotland of any person for the
time being in Scotland, whether a contributory of the company or not, in
regard to the trade, dealings, affairs or property of any company in course of
being wound up, or of any person being a contributory of the company, so far
as the company may be interested therein by reason of his being a

(2) The order or commission to take the examination aforesaid shall be
directed to the sheriff of the county in which the person to be examined is
residing or happens to be for the time, and the sheriff shall summon that
person to appear before him at a time and place to be specified in the summons
for examination on oath as a witness or as a haver, and to produce any books
or papers called for which are in his possession or power.

(3) The sheriff may take the examination either orally or on written
interrogatories, and shall report the same in writing in the usual form to
the court, and shall transmit with the report the books and papers produced,
if the originals thereof are required and specified by the order or
commission, or otherwise copies thereof or extracts therefrom authenticated by
the sheriff.

(4) If any person so summoned fails to appear at the time and place specified,
or refuses to be examined or to make the production required, the sheriff
shall proceed against him as a witness or haver duly cited and failing to
appear or refusing to give evidence or make production may be proceeded
against by the law of Scotland.

(5) The sheriff shall be entitled to such fees, and the witness shall be
entitled to such allowances, as sheriffs when acting as commissioners under
appointment from the Court of Session and as witnesses and havers are entitled
to in the like cases according to the law and practice of Scotland.

(6) If any objection is stated to the sheriff by the witness, either on the
ground of his incompetency as a witness, or as to the production required, or
on any other ground, the sheriff may, if he thinks fit, report the objection
to the court, and suspend the examination of the witness until it has been
disposed of by the court.

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