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Northern Irish Legislation

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Disclaimer of onerous property in case of company wound up.

291A.(1) Where on a disclaimer under section 291 land vests subject to a
rentcharge in the Crown or any other person that shall not, subject to
sub-section (2), impose on the Crown or the said other person or its or his
successors in title any personal liability in respect of the rentcharge.

(2) This section shall not affect any liability in respect of sums accruing
due after the Crown or the said other person, or some person claiming through
or under the Crown or the said other person, has taken possession or control
of the land or has entered into occupation thereof.

(3) This section shall apply to land vesting and sums accruing due before, as
well as after, the 15th October 1963.]

Ss.292, 293 rep. by 1969 c.30 (NI) s.132 sch.6

Liability for rentcharge on company's land after disclaimer.

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