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Appointment of committee of inspection.

265.(1) Subject to sub-section (2), the creditors at the meeting to be held in
pursuance of section two hundred and and sixty-three or at any subsequent
meeting may, if they think fit, appoint a committee of inspection consisting
of not more than five persons, and if such a committee is appointed
the company may, either at the meeting at which the resolution for voluntary
winding up is passed or at any time subsequently in general meeting, appoint
such number of persons as they think fit to act as members of the committee
not exceeding five in number.

(2) The creditors may, if they think fit, resolve that all or any of the
persons so appointed by the company ought not to be members of the committee
of inspection, and, if the creditors so resolve, the persons mentioned in the
resolution shall not, unless the court otherwise directs, be qualified to act
as members of the committee, and on any application to the court under this
sub-section the court may, if it thinks fit, appoint other persons to act as
such members in place of the persons mentioned in the resolution.

(3) Subject to sub-sections (1) and (2) and to rules of court, section two
hundred and twenty-nine (except sub-section (1)) shall apply with respect to a
committee of inspection appointed under this section as it applies with
respect to a committee of inspection appointed in a winding up by the court.

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