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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> COMPANIES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1960

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193.(1) In a limited company the liability of the directors, or of the
managing director, may, if so provided by the memorandum, be unlimited.

(2) In a limited company in which the liability of a director is unlimited,
the directors of the company and the member who proposes a person for election
or appointment to the office of director, shall add to that proposal a
statement that the liability of the person holding that office will be
unlimited, and before the person accepts the office or acts therein, notice in
writing that his liability will be unlimited shall be given to him by the
following or one of the following persons, namely, the promoters of
the company, the directors of the company, and the secretary of the company.

(3) If any director or proposer makes default in adding such a statement, or
if any promoter, director, or secretary makes default in giving such a notice,
he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds, and shall also
be liable for any damage which the person so elected or appointed may sustain
from the default, but the liability of the person elected or appointed shall
not be affected by the default.

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