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Appointment of directors to be voted on individually.

174.(1) At a general meeting of a company [other than a private company], a
motion for the appointment of two or more persons as directors of the company
by a single resolution shall not be made, unless a resolution that it shall be
so made has first been agreed to by the meeting without any vote being given
against it.

(2) Subject to sub-sections (3) and (4), a resolution moved in contravention
of this section shall be void, whether or not its being so moved was objected
to at the time.

(3) Sub-section (2) shall not be taken as excluding the operation of section
one hundred and seventy-one.

(4) Where such a resolution moved as aforesaid is passed, no provision for the
automatic reappointment of retiring directors in default of another
appointment shall apply.

(5) For the purposes of this section, a motion for approving a person's
appointment or for nominating a person for appointment shall be treated as a
motion for his appointment.

(6) Nothing in this section shall apply to a resolution altering the company's

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