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Northern Irish Legislation

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Investigation of company's affairs in other cases.

159. Without prejudice to its powers under section one hundred and
fifty-eight, the Ministry

(a)shall appoint one or more competent inspectors to investigate the affairs
of a company and to report thereon in such manner as the Ministry directs, if

(i)the company by special resolution; or

(ii)the court by order;

(a)declares that the company's affairs ought to be investigated by an
inspector appointed by the Ministry; and

(b)may do so if it appears to the Ministry that there are circumstances

(i)that the company's business is being [or has been] conducted with intent to
defraud its creditors or the creditors of any other person or otherwise for a
fraudulent or unlawful purpose or in a manner oppressive of any part of its
members or that it was formed for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose; or

(ii)that persons concerned with its formation or the management of its affairs
have in connection therewith been guilty of fraud, misfeasance or other
misconduct towards it or towards its members; or

<(iii)that its members have not been given all the information with respect to its affairs which they might reasonably expect;

Power of inspectors to carry investigation into affairs of related companies.

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