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Officers of building society to give security.

72.(1) Every such officer of a building society as is mentioned in section 71
shall, on demand, or if required to do so by notice in writing given or left
at his last or usual place of residence, render an account as may be required
by the directors of the society, to be examined and allowed or disallowed by

(2) Every such officer shall, on the like demand or notice, pay over all the
moneys remaining in his hands, and deliver all securities and effects, books,
papers and property of the society in his hands or custody, to such person as
the building society may appoint.

(3) Any duty imposed by subsections (1) and (2) on an officer of a
building society shall, after his death, be taken to be imposed on his
personal representatives.

(4) In case of any neglect or refusal to comply with the preceding provisions
of this section, the building society

(a)may sue on the bond (if any) given under section 71; or

(b)may apply to the court, which may proceed on the application in a summary
way and make such order as appears to the court to be just.

(5) Any order of the court under subsection (4)(b) shall be final and

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