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Northern Irish Legislation

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Power to require documents and information.

54.(1) The registrar may, if he considers it just, direct that all or any of
the expenses incurred by him under sections 48 to 53 in relation to a
building society shall, either wholly or to such extent as he may determine,
be defrayed out of the funds of the society, or by the officers or former
officers of the society or any of them.

(2) A building society, or officer or former officer of a building society,
directed to pay any sum under subsection (1) may appeal to a Judge of the High
Court against the direction, on the ground that the sum ought to be defrayed
by some other of the persons who may be directed to defray expenses under that
subsection, and the Judge shall have jurisdiction to vary any such direction

(3) Subject to subsection (2), any sum which a building society or other
person is required to pay by a direction under this section shall be a debt to
the registrar from that society or person.

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