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False statements in documents.

114.(1) Where the registrar is satisfied with respect to a building society

(a)that a certificate of incorporation has been obtained for the society by
fraud or mistake; or

(b)that the society exists for an illegal purpose; or

(c)that the society has wilfully, and after notice from the registrar,
violated any of the provisions of this Act; or

(d)that the society has ceased to exist;

(2) Any cancellation or suspension of registration under this section shall be
effected in writing signed by the registrar.

(3) Where the registration of a building society is suspended under this
section, the period of suspension shall in the first instance be a period not
exceeding three months, but may, with the approval of the Ministry, be
extended from time to time by not more than three months at a time.

(4) Before cancelling or suspending the registration of a building society
under this section, the registrar shall give to the society not less than two
months' previous notice in writing, specifying briefly the grounds of the
proposed cancellation or suspension.

(5) As soon as practicable after the cancellation or suspension of the
registration of a building society under this section takes effect,
the registrar shall cause notice thereof to be published in the Belfast
Gazette, and in a newspaper circulating in the county in which the registered
chief office or place of meeting of the building society is situated.

(6) Where the registration of a building society

(a)is cancelled under this section; or

(b)is suspended under this section for a period exceeding six months;

Compulsory cancellation or suspension of registration.

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