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Persons in partnerships residing 50 miles from Dublin may borrow any sum of money on bills and notes payable on demand, without being liable to penalty.

6. It shall and may be lawful for any number of persons in Ireland, united or
to be united in societies or partnerships, and residing and having their
establishments or houses of business at any place not less than fifty miles
distant from Dublin, to borrow, owe, or take up any sum or sums of money on
their bills or notes payable on demand, and to make and issue such notes or
bills accordingly, payable on demand, at any place in Ireland exceeding the
distance of fifty miles from Dublin, all the individuals composing such
societies or copartnership being liable and responsible for the due payment of
such bills and notes; and such persons shall not be subject or liable to any
penalty for the making or issuing such bills or notes; anything in the
Bank of Ireland Act (Ireland), 1781, to the contrary notwithstanding.

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