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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> BANKERS' COMPOSITION (IRELAND) ACT 1828

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Regulations respecting the bonds to be given pursuant to this Act.

9. In every bond to be given pursuant to the directions of this Act the person
or persons intending to issue any such unstamped promissory notes as
aforesaid, or such and so many of the said persons as the commissioners of
stamps, or their proper officer in that behalf, shall require, shall be the
obligors; and every such bond shall be taken in the sum of one hundred pounds,
or in such larger sums as the said commissioners of stamps, or such officer as
aforesaid, may judge to be the probable amount of the composition or duties
that will be payable from such person or persons under or by virtue of
this Act during the period of one year; and it shall be lawful for the said
commissioners, or such officer as aforesaid, to fix the time or times of
payment of the said composition or duties, and to specify the same in the
condition to every such bond; and every such bond may be required to be
renewed from time to time, at the discretion of the said commissioners, or of
such officer as aforesaid, and as often as the same shall be forfeited, or the
parties to the same, or any of them, shall die, become bankrupt..., or reside
in parts beyond the seas.

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