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Northern Irish Legislation

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Regulations as to general meetings of creditors subsequent to first meeting.

94. The trustee shall, in the administration of the property of the bankrupt
and in the distribution thereof amongst his creditors, have regard to any
directions that may be given by resolution of the creditors at any general
meeting, or by the committee of inspection, and any directions so given by the
creditors at any general meeting shall be deemed to override any directions
given by the committee of inspection: the trustee shall call a meeting of the
committee of inspection [once at least every three months, when they shall
audit his accounts] [at such intervals as may be prescribed, when they shall
consider the accounts sent to them under section 117(7)], and determine
whether any or what dividend is to be paid; he may also call special meetings
of the said committee as he thinks necessary.

Subject to the provisions of this Act, and to such directions as aforesaid,
the trustee shall exercise his own discretion in the management of the estate,
and its distribution amongst the creditors. The trustee may from time to time
summon general meetings of the creditors for the purpose of ascertaining their
wishes; he may also apply to the Court, in manner prescribed, for directions
in relation to any particular matter arising under the bankruptcy.

The bankrupt, or any creditor, or debtor, or other person aggrieved by any act
of the trustee, may apply to the Court, and the Court may confirm, reverse, or
modify the act complained of, and make such order in the premises as it thinks
just. The Court may from time to time, during the continuance of a bankruptcy,
summon general meetings of the creditors for the purpose of ascertaining their
wishes, and may, if the Court thinks fit, direct [one of the registrars of
the Court] [the registrar] to preside at such meetings.

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