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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> BANKRUPTCY (IRELAND) AMENDMENT ACT 1872

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Courts in Ireland, &c. to be auxiliary to other courts, &c.

70. Any order made by the Court under the said Act as amended by this Act, or
under this Act, shall be enforced in Scotland and England in the Courts having
jurisdiction in bankruptcy in such countries respectively, in the same manner
in all respects as if such order had been made by the Courts which are hereby
required to enforce the same; and in like manner any order made by the Court
in Scotland having jurisdiction in bankruptcy shall be enforced in England and
Ireland, and any order made by the Court having jurisdiction in bankruptcy in
England shall be enforced in Ireland and Scotland, by the Courts respectively
having jurisdiction in bankruptcy, in the division of the United Kingdom where
the orders made require to be enforced, and in the same manner in all respects
as if such order had been made by the Court required to enforce the same in a
case of bankruptcy within its own jurisdiction.

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