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Northern Irish Legislation

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Trustee, if a solicitor, may be paid for services.

102. The trustee may, with the sanction of a special resolution of the
creditors assembled at any meeting of which notice has been given specifying
the object of such meeting, accept any composition offered by the bankrupt, or
assent to any general scheme of settlement of the affairs of the bankrupt upon
such terms as may be thought expedient, and with or without a condition that
the order of adjudication is to be annulled, subject nevertheless to the
approval of the Court, to be testified by the judge of the Court signing the
instrument containing the terms of such composition or scheme, or embodying
such terms in an order of the Court.

Where the annulling the order of adjudication is made a condition of any
composition with the bankrupt or of any general scheme for the liquidation of
his affairs, the Court, if it approves of such composition or general scheme,
shall annul the adjudication on an application made by or on behalf of any
person interested, and the adjudication shall be annulled from and after the
date of the order annulling the same.

The provisions of any composition or general scheme made in pursuance of
this Act may be enforced by the Court on a motion made in a summary manner by
any person interested, and any disobedience of the order of the Court made on
such motion shall be deemed to be a contempt of Court. The approval of
the Court shall be conclusive as to the validity of any such composition or
scheme, and it shall be binding on all the creditors so far as relates to any
debts due to them and provable under the bankruptcy.

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