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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> ALKALI, &C. WORKS REGULATION ACT 1906

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20. The owner of a work in which an offence under this Act ... has been proved
to have been committed shall in every case be deemed to have committed the
offence, and shall be liable to pay the fine, unless he proves, to the
satisfaction of the court before which any proceeding is instituted to recover
such fine, that he has used due diligence to comply with and to enforce the
execution of this Act, and that the offence in question was committed, without
his knowledge, consent, or connivance, by some agent, servant or workman, whom
he shall charge by name as the actual offender; in which case such agent,
servant or workman shall be liable to pay the fine, and proceedings may be
taken against him for the recovery thereof and of the costs of all proceedings
which may be taken either against himself or against the owner under this Act:

Provided that it shall be lawful for the inspector to proceed against the
person whom he believes to be the actual offender, without first proceeding
against the owner, in any case where the inspector is satisfied that the owner
has used all due diligence to comply with and to enforce the provisions of
this Act, and that the offence has been committed by that person without the
knowledge, consent, or connivance of the owner.

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