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Powers of entry and inspection.

6.(1) For the purpose of ascertaining or verifying any matter arising in
connection with the execution of the principal Act or of any order made
thereunder or of this Act, any person authorised by the Ministry in that
behalf may, at all reasonable times and on producing, if so required, a duly
authenticated document showing his authority,

(a)enter and inspect the premises, plant and machinery of a registered person
or person seeking to be registered;

(b)require any person in those premises who is for the time being in charge
thereof or in control of the work carried on therein to produce to the person
making the inspection, and to allow him to examine, such books of account,
records and other documents and to furnish such other information as he may
reasonably require for the aforesaid purpose;

(c)take copies of and extracts from such books, records and other documents as
are referred to in paragraph (b).

(2) Any person who

(a)wilfully obstructs any person exercising a right conferred by subsection
(1); or

(b)refuses to produce any books, records or other documents or to furnish any
other information which he is required to produce or furnish under sub-section

(3) Any information which is obtained under the powers conferred by subsection
(1) shall not, without the previous consent in writing of the person carrying
on the undertaking to which the information relates, be disclosed except in
connection with the execution of the principal Act or of any order made
thereunder or of this Act or for the purposes of any proceedings pursuant
thereto or any report of such proceedings.

(4) Any person contravening the provisions of subsection (3) shall be guilty
of an offence and shall be liable

(a)on summary conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three
months or to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds, or to both such imprisonment
and such fine; or

(b)on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two
years or to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds, or to both such
imprisonment and such fine.

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