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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> WHALE FISHERIES (IRELAND) ACT 1908

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Offences by holder of licence and others.

3.(1) No holder of a licence or person employed by him shall in the
prosecution of the whaling industry use any vessel, other than the
whaling steamer from or by which a whale shall have been captured or killed,
for the purpose of bringing or towing such whale to or towards any factory or
station for manufacture.

(2) Every whaling steamer employed by the holder of a licence shall carry such
distinctive mark as the fishery authority, with the consent of the Board of
Trade, may from time to time prescribe, and such mark shall be specified in
the licence.

(3) No holder of a licence or person employed by him shall use, in the pursuit
or capture of whales, any method or contrivance which does not include a
harpoon with a whaling line attached thereto, and fixed or fastened to the
whaling steamer from which the whale is captured or killed.

(4) No person shall pursue, kill, or shoot at any whale [within [waters within
British fishery limits which are adjacent to Northern Ireland and are not
nearer to any point on the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial
sea adjacent to Great Britain or the Isle of Man is measured than to any point
on the corresponding Northern Irish baselines]], and no holder of a licence or
person employed by him shall pursue, kill, or shoot at any whale within the
distance of one mile from any boat or vessel lying at anchor or engaged in

(5) No holder of a licence or person employed by him shall pursue, kill, or
shoot whales between the first day of November in any year and the
thirty-first day of March in the year following, both days inclusive; or
during such other period of the year (not exceeding five weeks) within such
distance (not exceeding twenty miles) of any particular part of the coast of
Ireland as may be prescribed by the fishery authority, and no holder of a
licence or person employed by him shall during the prohibited period land any
whale killed in contravention of this section.

(6) In this section the expression "mile" means a nautical mile.

(7) Any person acting in contravention of this section shall be guilty of an
offence under this Act.

(8) Where a whale which has been lawfully shot at and struck shall carry with
it a fixed line within an area prohibited in terms of this section, nothing in
this section contained shall make it unlawful to continue the pursuit of such
whale and to kill it in such area.

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