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30.(1) In this Act

"abstraction" means the doing of anything whereby water is removed from a
waterway or underground stratum;

["Appeals Commission" has the meaning assigned to it by section 6(7);]

"deposit" includes store;

"engineering or building operations" (without prejudice to the generality of
that expression) includes the construction, alteration, improvement or
maintenance of any reservoir, waterway, dam, weir, well, borehole or other
works, the closure or removal of any reservoir, waterway, dam, well, borehole
or other works, the construction, alteration, improvement, maintenance or
demolition of any building or structure, and the installation, modification or
removal of any machinery or apparatus;

"Londonderry Area" has the same meaning as in the Foyle Fisheries Act
(Northern Ireland) 1952;

"Ministry" means the Ministry of Development;

"owner" means a person who is for the time being receiving a rent of not less
than two-thirds of the net annual value of any land whether on his own account
or as agent or trustee for any person or who, if the land were let at such a
rent, would receive it;

"sewage" includes domestic sewage and domestic sewage and storm water, if

"sewage effluent" means the effluent from any works, apparatus (including a
septic tank) or plant used for the treatment or disposal of sewage;

"tidal waters" includes the sea and the waters of any enclosed dock which
adjoins tidal waters;

"trade" includes agriculture, horticulture, scientific research or experiment
and the carrying on of a hospital or nursing home;

"trade effluent" means any liquid, either with or without particles of matter
in suspension therein, which is discharged from premises used for carrying on
any trade or industry, other than storm water or domestic sewage;

"underground strata" means strata subjacent to the surface of any land, and
any reference to water contained in any underground strata is a reference to
water so contained otherwise than in a sewer, pipe, reservoir, tank or
undergound works contained in any such strata;

"waterway" includes any river, stream, watercourse, inland water (whether
natural or artificial) or tidal waters but does not include any sewer vested
in a local authority.

(2) In this Act any reference to a waterway includes a reference to the
channel or bed of a waterway which is for the time being dry.

(3) For the purposes of this Act water for the time being contained in

(a)a well, borehole or similar work, including any adit or passage constructed
in connection with it for facilitating the collection of water in the well,
borehole or work; or

(b)any excavation into underground strata, where the level of water in the
excavation depends wholly or mainly on water entering it from those strata;

S.31(1) amends sch.1 to 1960 c.34; subs.(2) repeals 1876 c.75 (exc. s.7); s.78
of 1878 c.52; 1893 c.31

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