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1933 c.6

17.(1) The Ministry may, for any purpose in connection with the performance of
any of its functions under this Act

(a)by agreement acquire or take on lease any land or acquire land

(b)dispose of any land so acquired or taken on lease.

(2) Where the Ministry desires to acquire, otherwise than by agreement, any
land for a purpose referred to in subsection (1), the Ministry may make an
order (in this section referred to as a "vesting order") vesting that land in
the Ministry; and section 34(7) of, and Schedule 5 to, the Roads Act (Northern
Ireland) 1948 shall, subject to the modifications specified in Schedule 3,
apply for the purposes of the acquisition of land by means of a vesting order
made under this subsection in the like manner as they apply to the acquisition
of land by means of a vesting order made under that Act.

(3) Section 5 of the Stormont Regulation and Government Property Act (Northern
Ireland) 1933 shall not affect the disposal of any land acquired or taken on
lease under this section.

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