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Recreational use of waterways.

16.(1) The Ministry of Agriculture may ..., execute such minor works as it
considers appropriate for the purpose of promoting the recreational use of any

(2) The Ministry of Agriculture may, for any purpose in connection with the
performance of its functions under subsection (1)

(a)by agreement acquire or take on lease any land;

(b)dispose of any land so acquired or taken on lease;

(3) The Ministry of Agriculture may by order made subject to affirmative
resolution regulate the way in which any waterway specified in the order may
be used for any recreational purpose.

(4) An order under subsection (3) may include provisions

(a)requiring persons using a waterway for any recreational purpose to comply
with conditions specified under the order;

(b)making persons guilty of an offence where there is a contravention of the
order and for the imposition of fines on summary conviction of an offence.

(5) Schedule 2 shall have effect with respect to the making of an order under
subsection (3).

(6) In this section

"minor works" means, without prejudice to the generality of that term, the
regrading of river banks, the planting of trees and shrubs, the provision of
footpaths, signposts or seats, the construction of jetties and the execution
of works intended to promote safety in relation to waterways;

"waterway" does not include a reservoir or the sea.

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