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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> VEHICLES (EXCISE) ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1972

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Exemptions from duty of certain descriptions of vehicles.

5. A mechanically propelled vehicle shall not be chargeable with any duty
under this Act by reason of its use on public roads

(a)solely for the purpose of submitting it by previous arrangement for a
specified time on a specified date for, or bringing it away from, a prescribed
test; or

(b)in the course of a prescribed test, solely for the purpose of taking it to,
or bringing it away from, any place where a part of the test is to be or, as
the case may be, has been carried out, or of carrying out any part of the
test, the person so using it being a prescribed person; or

(c)where a prescribed certificate is refused on a prescribed test, solely for
the purpose of delivering it by previous arrangement for a specified time on a
specified date at a place where any work is to be done on it to remedy the
defects on the ground of which the certificate was refused, or bringing it
away from a place where such work has been done on it to remedy such defects.

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