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22.(1) If any mark to be fixed or sign to be exhibited on a vehicle in
accordance with section 19 or 21 is not so fixed or exhibited, the person
driving the vehicle, or, where the vehicle is not being driven, the person
keeping the vehicle, shall, subject to subsection (2), be guilty of an

(2) It shall be a defence for a person charged under subsection (1) with
failing to fix a mark on a vehicle to prove

(a)that he had no reasonable opportunity of registering the vehicle under
this Act and that the vehicle was being driven on a public road for the
purpose of being so registered; or

(b)in a case where the charge relates to a vehicle whose use on roads is
prohibited without a prescribed certificate, that he had no reasonable
opportunity of so registering the vehicle and that the vehicle was being
driven on a road for the purpose of, or in connection with, its examination
for a prescribed certificate in circumstances in which its use is exempted
from the said prohibition under any statutory provision.

(3) If any mark fixed or sign exhibited on a vehicle as aforesaid is in any
way obscured or rendered or allowed to become not easily distinguishable, the
person driving the vehicle, or, where the vehicle is not being driven, the
person keeping the vehicle, shall, subject to subsection (4), be guilty of an

(4) It shall be a defence for a person charged with an offence under
subsection (3) to prove that he took all steps reasonably practicable to
prevent the mark or sign being obscured or rendered not easily

(5) Any person guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable on
summary conviction to a fine not exceeding #50.

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