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Finance and accounts.

9.(1) The Ministry may pay to the Governors in each year a grant of such
amount as may be determined under regulations made by the Ministry with the
approval of the Ministry of Finance.

(2) The Governors shall keep proper accounts and other records and shall in
each year prepare a statement of accounts in such form and containing such
information as the Ministry may direct.

(3) The accounts of the Governors shall be audited by auditors appointed by
the Governors with the approval of the Ministry.

(4) The Governors shall, at such date in each year as the Ministry may direct,
transmit to the Comptroller and Auditor General a copy of their accounts,
certified by auditors appointed under subsection (3).

(5) The Comptroller and Auditor General shall examine any accounts transmitted
to him under subsection (4) and shall report on them to the Ministry and to
the Governors and the Ministry shall cause a copy of the accounts together
with that report to be laid before Parliament.

(6) The Governors shall pay to the Ministry of Finance in respect of the
examination of their accounts by the Comptroller and Auditor General such fees
and expenses as that Ministry may direct.

S.10 rep. by SLR 1976

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