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Northern Irish Legislation

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Manner of voting on, and majority required for, resolution.

2.(1) Section 1 shall apply in relation to every amalgamation or transfer of
engagements notwithstanding anything in the rules of any of the trade unions
concerned or in the following provisions of this section.

(2) For the purposes of the passing of a resolution to approve an instrument
of amalgamation or transfer, the committee of management or other governing
body of a trade union shall, unless the rules of that union expressly provide
that this subsection shall not apply in relation to that union, have power,
notwithstanding anything in the rules of the union, to arrange for a vote of
the members of that union to be taken in any manner which that body think fit.

(3) Subject to subsection (4), where, in the case of a trade union, a vote is
taken (whether under arrangements made under subsection (2) or under
provisions in the rules of the union) on a resolution to approve an instrument
of amalgamation or transfer, a simple majority of the votes recorded shall be
sufficient to pass the resolution, notwithstanding anything in the rules of
the union and, in particular, notwithstanding anything in those rules which,
but for this subsection, would require the resolution

(a)to be passed by a majority greater than a simple majority; or

(b)to be voted on by not less than a specified proportion of the members of
the union.

(4) The provisions of subsection (3) shall not apply in the case of a union
whose rules expressly provide that that subsection shall not apply in relation
to that union.

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