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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> TRADE UNION (AMALGAMATIONS, ETC.) ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1965

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1.(1) Subject to this section

(a)two or more trade unions may amalgamate and become one trade union, with or
without a division or dissolution of the funds of any one or more of those
unions, but shall not do so unless, in the case of each of
the amalgamating unions, a resolution which approves an instrument of
amalgamation approved by the Registrar has been passed on a vote taken in a
manner which satisfies the conditions specified in subsection (2);

(b)a trade union may transfer its engagements to any other trade union which
undertakes to fulfil those engagements, but shall not do so unless, in the
case of the transferor union, a resolution which approves an instrument of
transfer approved by the Registrar has been passed on a vote taken in a manner
which satisfies the said conditions.

(2) The conditions referred to in subsection (1) are the following, that is

(a)every member of the union must be entitled to vote on the resolution;

(b)every member of the union must be allowed to vote without interference or
constraint and must, so far as is reasonably possible, be given a fair
opportunity of voting;

(c)the method of voting must involve the marking of a voting paper by the
person voting;

(d)all reasonable steps must have been taken by the union to secure that, not
less than fourteen days before voting on the resolution begins, every member
of the union is supplied with a notice in writing approved for the purpose by
the Registrar.

(3) The notice referred to in subsection (2)(d)

(a)shall either set out in full the instrument of amalgamation or transfer to
which the resolution relates, or give an account of it sufficient to enable
those receiving the notice to form a reasonable judgment of the main effects
of the proposed amalgamation or transfer; and

(b)if it does not set out the instrument in full, shall state where copies of
the instrument may be inspected by those receiving the notice;

(4) Before a resolution to approve an instrument of amalgamation or transfer
is voted on by the members of a trade union

(a)that instrument; and

(b)the notice proposed to be supplied to members of the union in accordance
with subsection (2)(d);

(5) An instrument of amalgamation or transfer shall not take effect before it
has been registered by the Registrar under this Act, and shall not be so
registered before the expiration of a period of six weeks beginning with the
date on which an application for its registration is sent to the Registrar.

(6) No such amalgamation or transfer as is mentioned in subsection (1) shall
prejudice any right of any creditor of any trade union party thereto.

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