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Northern Irish Legislation

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Withdrawal or cancelling of certificate.

8. No certificate of registration of a trade union shall be withdrawn or
cancelled otherwise than by the chief registrar of Friendly Societies, or in
the case of trade unions registered and doing business exclusively in ...
Ireland, by the assistant registrar for ... Ireland, and in the following

(1)At the request of the trade union to be evidenced in such manner as such
chief or assistant registrar shall from time to time direct:

(2)On proof to his satisfaction that a certificate of registration has been
obtained by fraud or mistake, or that the registration of the trade union has
become void under section six of the Trade Union Act, 1871, or that such trade
union has wilfully and after notice from a registrar whom it may concern,
violated any of the provisions of the Trade Union Acts, or has ceased to

Not less than two months previous notice in writing, specifying briefly the
ground of any proposed withdrawal or cancelling of certificate (unless where
the same is shown to have become void as aforesaid, in which case it shall be
the duty of the chief or assistant registrar to cancel the same forthwith)
shall be given by the chief or assistant registrar to a trade union before the
certificate of registration of the same can be withdrawn or cancelled (except
at its request).

A trade union whose certificate of registration has been withdrawn or
cancelled shall, from the time of such withdrawal or cancelling, absolutely
cease to enjoy as such the privileges of a registered trade union, but without
prejudice to any liability actually incurred by such trade union, which may be
enforced against the same as if such withdrawal or cancelling had not taken

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