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Catalogues and stamp books to include name and address of promoter.

5.(1) Every catalogue published by or on behalf of the promoter of a
trading stamp scheme which indicates (whether by reference to a stated number
of filled stamp books or otherwise) the number of trading stamps required to
obtain anything described in the catalogue, and every stamp book published by
or on behalf of the promoter of such a scheme, shall contain a prominent
statement of the name of the promoter and the address of the promoter's
registered office and, if the promoter has no registered office in Northern
Ireland, of his established place of business in Northern Ireland.

(2) If the promoter of a trading stamp scheme publishes, issues or distributes
a catalogue or stamp book which fails to comply with any of the requirements
of this section, he shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on
summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds.

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